A Developer's Diary

Apr 24, 2012

Check if the linked list is a palindrome

The following code checks if the given singly linked list is a palindrome using recursion. 
Time Complexity: O(n) 
Space Complexity: O(n)
C++ Program
bool isPalindrome() const
      Node* node = isPalindrome(head, head);
        return true;
      return false;

    Node* isPalindrome(Node *left, Node *right) const
      if(right == NULL)
        return left;

      left = isPalindrome(left, right->link);
        bool palindrome = left->ch == right->ch ? true : false;
          left = left->link ? left->link : left;
          return left;
      return NULL;
Java Program
public boolean isPalindrome()
    Node node = isPalindrome(head, head);
    if(node == null)
      return false;
    return true;

  private Node isPalindrome(Node left, Node right)
    if(right == null)
      return left;
    left = isPalindrome(left, right.link);
    if(left != null)
      boolean palindrome = left.data == right.data ? true : false;
        left = (left.link != null) ? left.link : left;
        return left;
    return null;


Anonymous said...

an explanation would have been nice

Shashank said...

Its beautiful

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