The binary tree above can be represented as the following to calculate the vertical sum of the nodes
class BinaryTreeVerticalSumPrinter { public: BinaryTreeVerticalSumPrinter(){} ~BinaryTreeVerticalSumPrinter(){} void verticalSum(BinarySearchTree &tree) { std::map<int, int> vsum; verticalSum(tree.root, 0, vsum); printSum(vsum); } private: void verticalSum(BinaryTreeNode *node, int idx, std::map<int, int> &vsum) { if(node) { vsum[idx] = vsum[idx] + node->data; verticalSum(node->left, idx - 1, vsum); verticalSum(node->right, idx + 1, vsum); } } void printSum(std::map<int, int> &vsum) { std::map<int, int>::iterator pos; std::cout << std::endl; for(pos = vsum.begin(); pos != vsum.end(); ++pos) { std::cout << "Key: " << pos->first << " Value: " << pos->second << std::endl; } } };
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